Vítame Vás na stránkach firmy Euro BAGPRESS s.r.o.!
Let me introduce shortly our company. We are family company from southern
Slovakia (Hungarian minority).
Our company is one of the biggest producer of paper bags
in Slovakia and Hungary. We produce mainly 1 kg paper bags
for flour Our market share in Slovakia is 60%, in Hungary
is appr. 40 %.
We are making flour bags indirectly for chains as Tesco, Kaufland (Noe), CBA,
BALA, Spar, and starting Lidl and Aldi.
We have German bag making machines and printer machines.
We use international raw materials- Finish and Slovakian paper, glues from Henkel.
Our bags are made from white kraft paper in 70-80 gsm, in 1-4 colours printing.
Mainly we produce 2 measurments:
1 st type- Italian type :lenght, width, height: 10,5 cm/ 6,5 cm/ 27 cm.
2 nd type lenght, width, height: 11 cm, 6 cm, 27 cm.